Friday, March 5, 2010


The tides of change
Hi all today while viewing petsociety I read through this, i was surprised so i thought you should know i have copy pasted the text for you to read!!!!

Hey Pet Society fans! A major game update has just occurred for Pet Society! This will affect your game, so read on, or sign on to Pet Society via Facebook now to see for yourself!
The first thing you will notice is that the game screen is now wider! This is obviously fantastic, as you can see more of your beloved pet, friends’ pets, homes, shops, etc! As an added bonus, secret rooms such as the Secret Garden and Tree House Room are now a little larger!
Shortly afterwards you should notice a new look and layout, with cool new icons, and a new town map with the shops! So explore, explore, explore! The new design has been specifically devised to help us integrate new features in the future. The Bank is no longer displayed on the town map, but you can always access it at any time by selecting the Add Coins button! ;)
You may notice that there are no trees to bump on the town map, but never fear, Friend Street is here! You can find Friend Street in the lower left corner of the town map, where you can visit friends and bump trees to your heart’s content!
If instead you use the Friends Bar to visit your friends, you will notice that there are changes there too! The Active and Visits tabs have been removed! You can still tell who you have visited each day though, as the original pink or blue background will change to a neutral colour after you visit. And there is really no need for an Active tab anymore, so we fed it to the hungry fish in the Pond, as you now receive the same coins no matter who you visit (35 coins for your first 50 visits each day, 20 coins for the next 25, and 15 coins thereafter).
By now, you may be wondering where your happiness and hygiene bars are, well due to mysterious circumstances, which Sirius basically thinks “?” is responsible for, they no longer exist! What does this mean for you? Well, happiness no longer affects your game in any way, so feel free to brush your pet, but don’t be surprised when nothing much happens! Hygiene however is still in effect, you can tell how dirty your pet is, and how dirty the pets you visit are, by the number of flies on them, the dirtiest pets will have 5 flies. You can earn 20 coins and 1 paw point per fly cleaned when washing a pet up to a maximum of 80 coins and 4 paw points.
When you are watching your paw points add for washing those flies away, don’t be too surprised if they appear lower than normal, as the display for these has been changed! It may be a little confusing at first, but each level the paw points number goes back to zero and counts up to the amount needed to reach the next level. For example, if you were a Level 43 pet with 337,300 paw points previously, your pet will now show as a Level 43 pet with 5,300 paw points towards the next level (as 332,000 paw points were those required to reach Level 43).
Back home now, because after all that exploring Sirius needs a rest, you will find that the Stickers, Cooking and Tutorial icons have been removed from the main game screen, and placed in the snazzy new Books tab, which is neatly located next to your Friends tab, and shown below! While in this region of the game screen, Sirius would like you to know that the shiny new red camera icon you see there is particularly special, as you can now take a snap shot of your pet in your room!
There’s one more drastic change that we are sure everyone will love, because well, you asked for it! The Chest and Wardrobe now have various categories to help you find what you need (Sirius loves the toys tab)!
So enjoy, and remember to let us know what you think of all the changes and how you’d like us to improve the game further! More game improvements are already been worked on, like ways to navigate the shops faster, but your valuable input is needed, so look out for a survey in the next week after you’ve played for awhile to give us detailed feedback about these updates! And to celebrate the new design, if you’ve been playing Pet Society for awhile you should have just received 3000 coins to splurge with! Thanks for all of your support!

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