Market owner
She is the Market's owner. First she used to own one of the most expensive store in Pet society the luxury store owner. I guess it did not work out for her so she changed shop and became the owner of the Market. Well nothing really changed expect all the stuff are in a store with a different name. The gadgets store disappeared after Felicity got her new store. All the items in the gadgets store are now in the market.
Felicity is know as the gossip queen. She mostly spread rumors. Though in reality this does not effect out pet in any way. The gossip queen and other stuff are just something Playfish created to create some interest. I actually like Felicity's luxury shop but the new Market is okay too. Take a look around the store and you can buy stuff if you have enough money and are willing to take major damage to the purse.
This is what the Pet society blog has got to say:
If your pet finds that they can't walk down the street without other pets exchanging knowing glances or snickering, the chances are Felicity might have something to do with it. Felicity is the town gossip, and she can't resist a juicy rumor -- indeed most of them can be traced back to her in the first place.
And yet the hottest rumor of the moment in the village is that Felicity herself has a secret crush on one of the other secret crush on one of the other shopkeepers.
Uncharacteristically for Pet Society's self titled "it girl", who she has a crush on is one secret she's actually been able to keep, but it's only be a matter of time before the queen of gossip finds her own secrets the talk of the town!
The food store owner
Truffles the owner of the food store, one store in which you can buy some thing with the least money. The food store is important as all pets need food to work fast and look happy and cute :D
Most people who work in chocolate factories are sick of it but not truffles you might think he must be sick of seeing,breathing and well standing with food all day. But this little piggy is one mean green eating piggy!!!!
He often hides what ever food to save it for him self for late. To get more info check out the pic on the left. click it to enlarge it.
This is what the Petsociety blog has to say:
The saying goes that people who work in chocolate factories quickly find themselves sick of the sight of it, but that doesn't seem to apply to Truffles. Truffles lives, breathes, dreams and, well, eats food, so starting a food shop in the village seemed like a great way to make sure he could surround himself with it at all times.
There's only one issue. Truffles is also a notorious hoarder, which can pose a notorious hoarder, which can pose a problem when people want to actually buy food from him. Commonly a conversation might go:
"Have you got any apples today, Truffles?"
"Nope, none, sorry! Come back tomo-"
"Truffles, I can see the apples over there."
The clothing store owner
Lily the super pet who make new cloths for our pets every week. The cloth our pets wear gives a new sense of beauty and an idea of how the owner of the pet's sense of style. Lily however likes knitting! She once tried to make a mystery box by knitting. Well it did not end well as she forgot to put the corners and well....... but however the mayor with some inspiration decided to make it the largest scarf!!!
The mayor called the press and it brought the village fame. but a thread from ths scarf got caught in the mayor's button and buy the time the mayor realized his mistake the scarf became nothing but a long string of wool :(
Lily however forgive the mayor and said she will create a longer scarf as long as the mayor keeps a safe distance from it!
Lily is felicity's friend.
This is what the Pet society blog has to say:
Felicity's long suffering best friend Lily's passion for knitting far outweighs her talent, but that has never stopped her from attempting the most spectacular feats of craft the village has ever seen.
For instance her recent attempt to create the world's largest knitted Mystery Box ended catastrophically when she tragically forgot to give the box any corners. In a moment of rare inspiration the Mayor suggested that the inspiration the Mayor suggested that the failed Mystery Box be put forward as the world's largest scarf instead.
After a lengthy launch ceremony the Mayor invited press and photographers to record the historic occasion of the village becoming the proud owner of the world's largest scarf. Unfortunately a thread from the scarf became attached to the mayor's shirt button and by the time he realized his mistake he'd been driven home and the scarf had been entirely unraveled.
Undeterred Lily has pledged to knit an even longer scarf, on the condition that the Mayor keeps a safe distance from it at all times.
the garden store owner
Mrs. Appleblossom is the oldest pet in the village so far. she and Lily meet in a disastrous knitting class. Since that they both worked on knitting one sweater for the three months. When it was finish only than did they realized that neither did Lily's brother of Appleblossm's nephew have two heads or four hands. As a matter of fact no one has that many heads or hands in pet society or in the real world.
Well unlike Lily Appleblossom knew knitting was not her thing so she moved on to gardening. Well this idea blossomed it to a beautiful flower. She had a green thumb and ended up being persuaded in to putting us a garden store. She a nice person and will give advise on anything but knitting!
This is what the Pet society blog has to say:
Mrs. Appleblossom's arrival in the town usurps Mr. Shuttleworth as eldest resident of Pet Society by some margin. It was Lily who finally persuaded Mrs. Appleblossom to set up a gardening store in Pet Society over tea in Mrs. Appleblossom's colourful garden. They first became friends during a particularly disasterous knitting class, where they spent 3 months knitting the same sweater. Not just the same style, or the same colour, but the exact same sweater. They were each knitting a side without realising the other was knitting the other. Unfortunately neither Lily's brother nor Mrs. Appleblossom's nephew had four arms nor two heads so they had to throw the sweater away, which was a waste of a lot of good wool but the start of a great friendship.
Unlike Lily though, Mrs. Appleblossom soon realised that knitting really wasn't for her and decided instead to try her hand at gardening. She quickly found that she was far more comfortable with a pair of gardening shears in her hands than knitting needles. In fact before long not only did she have the most perfect and sweet garden in the neighbourhood but a little time each day in every garden down the street made sure all her neighbours did too.
And so it was Lily who suggested to Mrs. Appleblossom that her skills might be appreciated in Pet Society, whose residents had only recently come by gardens of their own. So do drop by and see Mrs. Appleblossom, she's always happy to provide tools and useful advice on anything from the correct time of year to plant sweetpeas to the best way to water rhubarb. Anything, that is, apart from knitting.
the cafe owner
The cafe owner, and his dream of opening perrybucks..... mmmm wonder how thats going to work out.....
What the Pet society Blog said:
Perry considers himself the Picasso of the barista world, taking pride in his ability to create the most exquisite blends with the finest ingredients. Unfortunately the clientele of the Pet Society Café don't always share that opinion, and his dark roasted cream Trufflescake latte with a dash of soy sauce was less than a success.
As a rule of thumb if Perry offers a coffee with a "special secret ingredient" it's best to decline unless your really like the idea of tomato soup in your coffee.
More closely guarded even than his secret ingredients is Perry's first name, which he has so far been able to keep secret from the entire village. Popular opinion that it is Shirley are unconfirmed. Perry is open however about his ambition though -- to create 'Perrybucks', his own chain of coffee shops.
the Bank manager
Mr. shuttelworth well i am not his fan as i don't ever visit the bank. But he is said to me one of the mysterious pets. Felicity insists that Shuttleworth is one naughty pet but I don't really understand what she got against him.
What the pet society blog said:
Little is known about the mysterious Mr. Shuttleworth, who has largely kept himself to himself since setting up the Pet Society Bank in the middle of the village. He'll rarely be drawn into conversation and he keeps his cards very close to his chest.
He's the only pet who doesn't seem to live in the village, although because nobody ever sees him come or go nobody really knows where he lives, and while he has been sighted outside his bank before, something is never quite right. For instance he might be wearing a slightly wonky fake moustache, or walking briskly from a troublesome situation, like a cat stuck up a tree. Felicity in particular insists that Mr. Shuttleworth enjoys causing mischief during his spare time, but the rest of the village reserve their opinion. Think you know what Mr. Shuttleworth is up to? Maybe the clues are there, or perhaps we'll have to wait and see? One thing's for certain, there's more to Mr. Shuttleworth than his umbrella and bowler hat!
Poor Emilia she lost her job and shop :(
Rumors said that she has a secreat room which she hides from all :O
but now we will never know. i hope she is living a happy life with other gadgets. well i wonder if we will ever see her again.
What the pet society blog said:
Even though it's obvious to anyone that sees her that it's not quite true, E.M.I.L.I.A is nonetheless convinced that she is not actually a pet but a robot. Unfortunately her forced monotone voice and vague bleeping noises aren't terribly convincing and often result in customers glancing at the ceiling to look for hidden cameras.
Needless to say E.M.I.L.I.A prefers the company of technology over other pets and the sound of busy power tools can often be heard from the back room of her gadget store -- although any requests for a peek at whatever she's been working on in there tend to result in a curt "Negative". Any further encouragement usually leads to E.M.I.L.I.A turning and fleeing for the solitude of the back room, making peculiar whirring noises as she goes (although it's clearly her mouth rather than robotic joints which are making the sounds).
Rumours circulate regularly as to what E.M.I.L.I.A has been constructing in her back room and are as colourful as they are varied. Perhaps in time we'll all be able to have a peek but at least for now E.M.I.L.I.A doesn't seem to be telling.
the home store owner
grumble actually wanted to be a dancer but i guess his dreams were broken and was stuck with a Home store!
i would not like working in a place i hate. i guess that is why he look like he does not care for anything. but during nights he is know to live his dreams but dancing with mops and brooms!
What the pet society Blog said:
Ask Grumble to fetch an item stacked high on a shelf and you'll notice two things -- Grumble never uses a ladder, and he possesses an uncharacteristic grace which you'd never expect from first glance.
Grumble will talk at length of his passion for dancing to anyone who'd care to listen as he prices up their wallpaper and floor tiling. To some, the idea of such an ungainly looking character treading the boards in a ballet or theatre seems too funny for words and yet, Grumble is entirely serious.
You see, Grumble never wanted to run a DIY store. Grumble's dream was always to become a dancer. And if you're ever passing through the main street in the village late at night, after Grumble's store is closed, and you happen to peer into the DIY shop's window; don't be surprised if you see Grumble waltz with a mop, or pirouette with a broom. And be less surprised still if you feel an urge to give him a standing ovation.
The furniture store owner
Preston who first have the mystery boxes in hes shop! he seems timid and prefers to hid behind hes counter rather than face complaining customers. He seems peaceful though once his store was a total mess.
what hte pet society blog said:
The popular Preston is the first to admit that it was entirely an accident that he displayed three items on the shelves of the village furniture store in the wrong boxes. In his own words, he only realised his mistake after all three boxes had been sold.
So when all three customers returned that afternoon, each with a box under their arm, Preston braced himself for their complaints. But the customers hadn't come to complain. They'd come to buy more of these 'mystery boxes'. See, when they each opened up their boxes and found something completely unexpected, they were so pleased with what they found they just had to come back and try again to see what they might find next.
Even though Preston tried to protest that it had all been a huge mistake, word word soon got out about the amazing new Mystery Boxes and before long pets were queuing around the village to try one for themselves.
the cash shop owner
Terrence the cash shop owner and Playfish's piggy bank. His shop is a good money earner but i dont often visit it. his is basically an retired explorer how is afride of hipos. he is currently selling all the strange good he got from his trips!!!
sorry i don't like terrence very much so i have not written what the pet society blog said you can check that out in the blog or in the pic in the left. click it to enlarge it.
the Mystery store owner
"?" one of me and Kitty's favorate store owners and shop. "?"'s shop appeared over night and he had actually taken charge of the mystery items from preston.
felicity spread the rumer that "?" is another pet in disguise but late it was ignored. still no one knows who he is.
What the blog said:
The appearance of "?"'s Mystery Store, like most things associated with it, was shrouded in mystery. According to residents, it just simply appeared overnight, with no fanfare, announcement or explanation. While several pets were in the area at the time -- Perry was taking a delivery of caramel syrup and gravy, and Mr. Shuttleworth was seen hurrying away from some bins which had been loudly knocked over -- none saw the Mystery Store being built, nor its mysterious owner, "?".
By morning a crowd of pets had gathered around the mysterious store, clamouring for a glimpse inside while not daring to enter. Preston , who had been watching from his furniture shop, eventually wandered over and walked on in, puzzled at what all the fuss was about. He emerged soon after, holding a signed agreement for the Mystery Store to sell Preston 's Mystery Boxes for him. The details of the deal are unknown, but it has been noted that Preston receives large regular deliveries of chocolate of late.
Little is known about "?" himself; a mysterious pet who has a seemingly never ending supply of sage sounding roverbs and fables, which all sound very impressive but never quite make sense. Because his face is always shrouded, it's rumoured that "?" might actually be another resident in disguise, but people stopped paying attention when the rumour was traced back to Felicity. And yet, could he be..?